Friday 25 November 2011

Skin Care for Athletes Invited 200 Clients and 20,000 Showed Up

Raleigh, NC (PRWEB) August 18, 2011

Skin Care for Athletes, the only organic and natural skin care line designed specifically for athletes has run varying promotions for their clients. They did not, however, expect to have this kind of response when they decided to conduct a promotion using the Wildfire App on Facebook.

A Simple Offer Explodes

In an effort to give back to their loyal customers and to bring on some new clients over the course of a one month promotion, Skin Care for Athletes offered a small 2oz travel size bottle of their popular Tri-Body Wash. All that needed to be done was to like them on Facebook and sign up for their newsletter to receive the free bottle of wash. We started with 225 friends on Friday afternoon and by Friday night we had 227. stated Taylor Sparks, Principal Goddess/Founder of Skin Care for Athletes. When she checked Facebook Saturday afternoon she had over 900 friends and almost as many orders. By 6:30pm we had over 1,900 likes and over 1,500 orders. She continues, I stopped the promotion at that point on Facebook but our clients had already sent out the links to their friends and by Sunday morning we had over 8,000 likes and more than 20,000 customers ordering more than 39,000 bottles of the Tri-Body Wash! We were blown away! In two days we had more than 55,000 visits to our site.

Too Much of a Good Thing...Never

Skin Care for Athletes is not a large company and as much as they welcomed their new clients, too many too fast has turned their suppliers and production on its ear. Ms. Sparks compared it to inviting 10 of your friends over for a barbeque and those friends invited 20 of their best friends to your house to eat and you only shopped for 10. We were overwhelmed and surprised when we received all of this support, love and interest in our product. We're shipping as fast as we can and are sending all of our clients a new $ 7 off coupon to make up for any delays. said Taylor. Skin Care for Athletes continues to educate and hydrate the skin of athletes and fitness enthusiasts through social media and their website.

About Skin Care for Athletes

Skin Care for Athletes by Morning Indigo, is a certified B Corporation with seventeen products in the market and is certified and highly rated by Environmental Working Group (,, and World of Good by Ebay. Their products are rated "Excellent" on and are the only organic skin care line for athletes certified vegan by PETA. Developed by a late-blooming endurance athlete and holistic aromatherapist, their products are available on-line in the U.S. and in retail stores in Singapore.


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