Friday 25 November 2011

Poo Found on Millions of Mobile Phones in United Kingdom say

Lubenham, Leicestershire (PRWEB UK) 20 October 2011

People may insure mobile phones against loss, theft and accidental damage but over the past couple of years reports have emerged from organisations such as Which magazine, and more recently highlighting the amount of harmful bacteria that can be present on mobile phones. Suitable precautions should be made to keep them clean.

2U Ltd director Grant Burrows asks how many people realize the importance of protection from deadly germs such as E. coli that are alive and well on phones?

In July 2010, Which magazine reported that there is eighteen times less bacteria on a gents toilet handle than there is on the average mobile phone and in October 2011, a study by the The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine discovered that nine out of ten mobile phones are contaminated with some kind of bacteria.

2U Ltd director Grant Burrows wonders how many people realize the importance of protection from deadly germs such as E. coli that are alive and well on phones?

Dangerous bacteria such as E. coli, which is transmitted through excrement, and Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was found on one in six mobile phones. These kinds of bacteria can lead to serious stomach upset, diarrhoea, sickness or worse and researchers believe that mobile phone contamination largely exists because too many people fail to wash their hands properly, if at all, after going to the toilet.

Most think they know how to wash their hands properly. Its simple hygiene learned as a child. But who really knows how to do it effectively in order to kill germs so nothing is left lingering? A quick dip in water with a bit of soap unfortunately is not sufficient. Apparently, soap doesnt actually eliminate germs, it merely lifts them off the skin.

It takes around fifteen seconds of thorough cleaning to eliminate germs from hands when washing and as soon as the tap is touched, germs spread to hands again!

The right way to wash hands is to wet them with plenty of water, add soap and then wash thoroughly between each finger and under fingernails. Remove all traces of dirt and work up to the wrists.

Wash hands, including wrists for approximately fifteen seconds, then rinse off with clean water to ensure all dirt and germs are removed.

When turning off taps, do so with a paper towel if possible. This ensures that germs do not get back onto hands from the tap when turning them off as taps and sinks can have lots of potentially harmful bacteria lurking around them, especially those in toilets.

Washing hands with soap and water or a hand sanitizer in this way, combined with cleaning mobile phones, is the surest way to prevent germs from building and spreading. But whats the best way to clean mobile phones so they are hygienic without causing damage to it and what products can be used?

Some mobile phones with their tiny digit keypads can be very difficult to keep clean and hygienic but there are several products on the market that can help. Use a dry alcohol wipe which kills the vast majority of known germs and is specially manufactured for use on mobile phones.

Use rubbing alcohol cleaners for electronic equipment to keep mobile phones germ-free. Simply ensure the gadget is not live - take the battery out first.

Take a Q-tip, wet it slightly with the alcohol cleaner and apply it gently to the surfaces of the phone. Take care not to wet it too much and dry off with a dry wipe immediately.

Check any product used is suitable for iPhones, mobile phones and LCD screens first and always read the manufacturers instructions and directions beforehand.

Mobile phones are not the only gadgets contaminated by bacteria. All gadgets including iPads, games consoles, Sat Nav's, computer or laptop keyboards and iPods and MP3 players are prone to bacteria build-up. Bacteria can live successfully on these devices as they are warmed up when switched on and lets face it, how many bother to turn them off - even occasionally?

Keeping mobile phones and other gadgets clean makes sense and as they are taken into hospitals, are kept around young babies or people with low immune systems, it really is wise to take a few moments to bust those bugs into oblivion and keep them hygienic.

For more information on protecting and insuring the iPhone 4S, mobile phones and other gadgets visit

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