Friday 25 November 2011

Co-op Fans Have Two Weeks Left to Submit Videos in National Cooperative Grocers Association's 'My Co-op Rocks' Video Contest

Iowa City, Iowa (PRWEB) April 3, 2009

Lights, cameraarugula! Just two weeks remain to submit a video in National Cooperative Grocers Association's (NCGA) My Co-op Rocks Video Contest, a nationwide contest where natural food co-op grocer fans get to share the reasons their co-op rocks. Submissions will be accepted online until April 17 at with $ 3,500 in prizes to be awarded to the best videos in "people's choice" and "judges' choice" categories.

My Co-op Rocks is NCGA's first initiative asking co-op shoppers across the country to share their favorite co-op moments, memories and stories - in essence, all the qualities and quirks that make co-ops unique in their communities -- online.

"No matter the times or economic environment, shoppers remain passionate about co-op grocers and the sense of community that they inspire," said Robynn Shrader, chief executive officer for NCGA. "Everyone loves their local co-op for different reasons; this contest provides an opportunity for shoppers to tell us in their own words."

Whether shooting with a cell phone or in high-definition digital video, all skill levels are welcome to shoot, edit and submit their up-to-2-minute "Top 10" video or create a video with an original co-op-related theme. Participants are encouraged to unleash their sense of humor and creativity.

Once posted, videos will be viewed and voted on by the general public with prizes awarded to the top three "people's choice" entries. A panel of judges will also score entries based on creativity, theme, and overall appeal, with prizes awarded to the top three "judges' choice" entries. The deadline for submissions and online voting is 11:59 p.m. CST on April 17.

Suggested themes include:

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