Friday 25 November 2011

Shot@Life Highlights the Power of Social Media to Ignite a Conversation on Global Vaccines

New York, NY (PRWEB) September 21, 2011

The United Nations Foundations recently unveiled campaign, Shot@Life, will be featured at the second-annual Social Good Summit to discuss how social media can be used to build and activate a grassroots movement. Shot@Life will educate, connect, and empower Americans to champion vaccines as one of the most cost-effective ways to save the lives of children in developing countries.

Shot@Lifes social media channels bring the global conversation on childhood immunizations in developing countries to millions of Americans by incorporating Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and SMS. The power of these platforms allows individuals to get active and help deliver vaccines to children who need them the most.

Shot@Life provides easy access for you to learn more and become champions of global vaccines, said Peg Willingham, Executive Director for Shot@Life. By joining our online community and signing the Shot@Life pledge online, advocates can voice their support to prevent 1.7 million children from dying of vaccine-preventable diseases.

The Social Good Summit brings together top innovators who use technology for the greater good. Shot@Life will showcase their social media tools and outreach plans to grow a national movement on global vaccines, while encouraging Americans to become advocates for global vaccines. This campaign uses social media to ensure that more children reach milestones that American families routinely celebrate, such as a childs first smile, first steps, first words, and first day of school.

New Campaign, New Media Find Shot@Life online:

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