Friday 25 November 2011

Religious People Are Happier, Study Says

Canonsburg, PA (PRWEB) April 11, 2010

Researchers at Duke University suggest that people who practice some sort of religion are happier than those who don't. The new study reveals that religious people have more of a sense of purpose in their lives.

One person who can attest to the validity of these new findings is author David Beato. The premise of his new book, The Power of Prayer, Endurance and Truth, is the influential role that religion has played in his own life.

"As a practicing Catholic I find that my religion offers me security, connectedness, fulfillment, joy and direction," says Mr. Beato. "It has helped me to overcome some truly staggering obstacles and achieve more than anyone ever thought I would."

In his memoir, David Beato shares the tales of his poor upbringing in Italy during World War II and his struggle to make it as a successful businessman in America. During his life's journey Mr. Beato has faced many monumental tests of faith including the death of his beloved son, professional setbacks and deceptive family members.

A number of best-selling books underscore the connection between religious practice and happiness such as The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren or Become a Better You by Joel Osteen.

Many studies have concluded that religion positively influences people's lives and makes it better. According to the research published in Psychological Bulletin, along with being happier, devoutly religious people tend to:

Do better in schools
Be more organized
Live longer
Have stronger marriages
Raise well-behaved children
Maintain better self-control and self-discipline

"I believe religion is very important," says Mr. Beato, "especially in times like these, with all the issues we face--war, economic problems, political disagreements and so on. We need to have faith more than ever."

David Beato is currently a well-known real estate developer in southwestern Pennsylvania, where he lives with his wife. He has one son and two daughters who are all college educated and married, and his greatest joy is spending time with his children and grandchildren.

The Power of Prayer, Endurance and Truth by David Beato is available on and

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