Friday 25 November 2011

The How To Spot a Dangerous Man Program hits the workshop market across the U.S.

(PRWEB) July 24, 2004

Workshops have already been given in Florida and North Carolina to hundreds of women through community agencies, churches, colleges, and women’s centers. The Dangerous Man Workshops are modeled from the soon-to-be-released book, workbook, group leader curriculum and videos “How to Spot a Dangerous Man BEFORE You Get Involved” which train women how to detect dangerousness in men.

Research indicates women date 4-5 dangerous men before they make selection changes. Often by then, it is too late. Women mistakenly think that “dangerous men” only means violent. But EIGHT categories of dangerousness are identified in the workshop—many of these categories have not been recognized by women.

Workshop content includes:

Spotting dangerous and hidden behaviors

Recognizing verbiage of Dangerous Men

Sabotaging behaviors of women

Why women pick 4-5 Dangerous Men before they stop

Understanding why you ignore your Red Flags

Reconnecting to your Red Flags so they are working for you

Uncovering every insight from your dating/marrying life to teach you about your selections

Developing your own Do Not Date list of characteristics from your own experiences

Universal signs of a bad dating choice

Predatory type men

Symptoms of addictive behavior, covert mental illness, malingering violent tendencies, as well as symptoms of a hidden past, and men who are emotionally unavailable

Sandra L. Brown, M.A. is a psychotherapist and author who worked for 15 years in victimology and psychopathology as the founder and director of Bridgework, Inc. It was from these years of working with both victims and perpetrators that she began to see the correlation between who picks who and why. From treating both sides of victimization, Sandra felt that there is a piece missing for women who keep repeating these patterns—the piece is not understanding what dangerousness is and looks like.

When asked why she wrote the book, Sandra replied, “I kept watching women pick the same guy with a different face over and over again or going back home to the same very dangerous man. And it occurred to me as a pathologist, that we don’t give the information about pathology out to the general public. This is not something we ‘train’ lay people in which is precisely why I think these women continue with various versions of dangerous men. I began to teach women everything I knew about pathological and dangerous men. It was then that I began to see them make different choices. They did not have the information they needed to choose differently. The Dangerous Man Program, thru workshops and books, teaches psychopathology to the lay woman because all pathology is not just the Ted Bundy-kind-of-guy. Pathology has many faces and harms in a lot of different ways.

Here is what others are saying about the Dangerous Man Workshops:

“We hosted one of Sandy’s seminars and I was on the edge of my seat! While the content was aimed at women or about women, as the pastor of the sponsoring church I found the material she presented critically important. Within a week, I was counseling a woman who was engaged to be married to a dangerous man. From what I learned at the seminar, I was able to identify his characteristics and warn her of the impending danger. I have been counseling for 25 years and I didn’t know this stuff.” Pastor Phil Engelman, Crystal Cove Community Church (SBC)

“The Dangerous Man workshop and materials clearly outlined normal looking but toxic men who systematically search for women. It gave these women the courage and knowledge they needed to get out of the relationships while there was yet time. It was invaluable training as well to my entire staff who works exclusively with women. We turned people away at the door and plan to rent a bigger facility for the next time she is available.” Jan Walters, Director, The Pinellas Pregnancy Center

“As hard as it is to say, I found out in Sandra‘s workshop that I am a Dangerous Woman! Everything described in these dangerous relationships about men I have done at one time or another. It was the wake up call I needed. I found a good Counselor and I am in counseling now--for however long it takes until this is dealt with. Maybe I will have a healthy future now…” Hannah, attendee

“I saw every relationship I have ever had presented in that workshop! I was progressively choosing more and more dangerous relationships the longer this was undealt with. I think this workshop and the book has the potential to revolutionize insight for women. It’s just amazing.” Deidree, attendee

“Sandy has compressed years of knowledge and experience from her hundreds of clients into an easily understandable format for understanding pathology. The lay public really never gets to hear it like this--or understand it. It’s why women keep getting clobbered by undetected predators. We need to hear this, learn it, and TEACH it.” Randy Evans, M.S


The Dangerous Man Workshops provide in depth teaching to women on issues of pathology that is not normally taught to lay persons. The workshop has the capacity to be both preventative for women who have not yet chosen a dangerous man, and interventive for women who are already on the path of selecting dangerous men. Eight categories of dangerousness, women’s internally wired red flag system and why it is important, and women’s own sabotaging behaviors help them develop their own personalized Do Not Date list of characteristics taken from their own experiences. The book ‘How to Spot a Dangerous Man BEFORE You Get Involved” and the workbook by the same name, will be out in November 2004 by Hunter House Publishing.

For more information on booking a Dangerous Man Workshop, call 828.226.7946. Or see our website at

Sandra L. Brown, M.A. is the author of Counseling Victims of Violence 1st Edition (1991 American Counseling Assn), How to Spot a Dangerous Man BEFORE You Get Involved book (Hunter House, Nov 2004), How to Spot a Dangerous Man Workbook (Hunter House, Dec 2004), How to Spot a Dangerous Man Group Leader Curriculum (Hunter House, 2005), Counseling Victims of Violence 2nd Edition (Hunter House, 2005).


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