Friday 25 November 2011

GMAT Success Story Reveals Why 30 Days Preparation is Sufficient to Beat The GMAT!

Covina, CA (PRWEB) May 6, 2010

The belief that 3 to 6 months preparation is essential for the GMAT is being challenged in Brandon Wus 30 Day GMAT Success. The new book discloses the secrets of his own encounter whereby he scored an enviable 780 with just 30 days of preparation. Brandons experience that 3 to 6 months hard study and being a genius are not necessary to achieve a top GMAT score - may seem contrived to the thousands of disappointed GMAT takers each year who continue to be left crushed by the notoriously difficult test. Rather, Brandon argues, a top GMAT score is a combination of an excellent study plan, and the application of a few tried and tested techniques: not an overload of too many. This is achievable with just one months preparation and then you can have your life back! Brandon professes.

Brandon Wu was forced to beat the GMAT with only 30 days of study, not out of choice, but out of his own desperate situation. An impulsive resolution to enroll in business school with only one month until his desired school application deadlines left him in need of an efficient and streamlined GMAT plan of attack. Since he had no prior experience of the GMAT, no money to afford prep courses or hire a tutor, and what he perceived to be a severe lack of time, his one month study plan was born. The outcome was an impressive 780 (out of a possible 800), which puts him in the 99th percentile, or top 1% of GMAT takers.

The approach centers on Brandons conviction that the single most important key to GMAT success is a structured study plan, exactly tailored to the test-takers requirements. 30 Day GMAT Success makes this plan customizable and unique to each test-taker. This, combined with plenty of practice tests in order to understand in detail ones strengths and weaknesses, means that GMAT Success should not be unattainable for the average college graduate, Brandon believes. After all, the concepts tested on the GMAT do not go beyond high school Math, Science and English grammar.

30 Day GMAT Success claims to show you how to brush up on this content in a short, concentrated study schedule and become the next GMAT Success story without the months of sweat and antisocial behavior. The book is available on Amazon, Barnes and and an e-book is scheduled to be released in the near future.

30 Day GMAT Success

ISBN: 978-0-615-32627-6

Brandon Wu is a 30 year old entrepreneur living in California. He attended the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business from 2005-2007 after receiving a 780 (99th percentile) on the GMAT. He currently runs two successful businesses and is involved in several other exciting projects.


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