Friday 25 November 2011

Consumers Plan To Spend An Average of $400 This Back-to-School Season

Philadelphia, PA (PRWEB) August 23, 2011

The demand for back to school supplies is in full swing as the summer season draws to a close. Buzz Marketing Group interviewed 400 parents and students about the products theyll buy before the start of another busy school year.

Of the 400 individuals that participated in the Back-to-School survey, 45% (175 respondents) plan to spend more than $ 400 on supplies. Clothing was listed as the top purchase by 70% of respondents followed by a laptop computer (57%). Only 22% claimed a new cell phone as the most important back to school supply, 14% an mp3 player, such as an iPod, and 9% placed vehicles as their top purchase.

The need to buy attire outweighed the want to buy electronics and a new vehicle as over half of those that participated (60%) plan to buy clothing out of necessity. I plan to buy clothes because I really need it for school, said Deroll, a student from NY.

Well, I want a new laptop because everyone has one, said Genna, a high school student in NJ along with 16% of those surveyed or 63 respondents.

Laptops and clothes are necessary; [a] vehicle is an indulgence, said Deborah, a parent from NJ. Parents like Deborah still yield the power of the purse and continue to decide what their children will buy.

Buzz Marketing Groups survey found that 65% (255) of parents still shop with their kids and 63% (246) of individuals shopped alone. Only 26% purchase supplies with their friends.

When purchasing electronics, 76% (297) of Back-to-School surveyors preferred to go to Best Buy. Corporate giant, Walmart, came in second with 45% (176) and 40% of surveyors preferred Target. Even fewer individuals listed Radio Shack (12%) and only 33 respondents (8%) chose K-Mart.

Survey participants are also utilizing the Internet for their school purchases as 161 individuals (41%) shopped on while only 18% would go through

For non-electronic supplies, such as notebooks and backpacks, 81% of respondents preferred Walmart to Target (77%) and Office Depot (52%). Buying supplies online for school was listed first by 169 respondents or a little under half of surveyors (43%).

Despite the variety of options and vendors consumers can choose from, they still expect quality products. When asked what was the most important factor in purchasing a product, 79% of participants, 306 individuals, chose quality. A little over half, 57% (221) claimed price as the most important.

Brands also play a role in what supplies to buy as 41% (159) listed brands such as Apple, Samsung and Sony as a crucial factor in their purchasing decisions.

The Back-to-School survey included parents (68%), aunts and grandparents (8%) and students (34%). The level of education of the students ranged from elementary school through graduate level attendees.

As the new academic year approaches, and summer ends, its always interesting to see how students will spend their precious free time. Of those students interviewed, 55% (149) will spend their time with friends and with their significant other outside of the classroom. The other 49% are involved in extracurricular activities and despite the economic climate, 33% (91) will still go shopping when they arent in school.

Our annual survey shows that consumers will definitely spend money this back-to-school season, says BuzzMG CEO and founder Tina Wells. But the focus is definitely on what they need, not just what they want. Brands must be sure to show their true value this season.


Buzz Marketing Group, the premiere Millennial marketing and communications agency, specializes in market research, content generation, and trendspotting, with particular focus on viral outreach, focus groups, and lifestyle marketing. Whether it is through online research brand ambassador panels, or immersion experiences, Buzz Marketing Group provides the solutions that enhance our clients' bottom line.


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