Friday 25 November 2011

Are You Addicted to Your Mobile Phone? Infographic by Cash Generator

Bolton, UK (PRWEB UK) 22 November 2011

Cash Generator, the UK discount retailer has conducted a study on mobile usage. If people have their mobile phone switched on 24/7, sleep with it next to the bed and even interrupt sex to answer a call, they could be suffering from mobile phone addiction.

The majority of the population now has a mobile and users are being invited to take an online test to find out if theyre addicted to their handsets.

Are you addicted to your mobile phone? is a new infographic that highlights the tell-tale signs has been unveiled by the buy-and-sell specialists.

Cash Generator has identified nine key indicators of mobile phone dependency. If seven or more apply to you then you may need to take action to curb your mobile mania.

Surveys reveal that 40% of people have their handset on 24/7 while 83% sleep with them by their bed.

Other signs of addiction include making or taking personal calls at work; texting while walking down the street; using the phone while in the loo or instead of watching TV; and getting up in the night to check Twitter or Facebook.

The Cash Generator infographic also reveals that 15% of people have interrupted sex to answer a call on their mobile.

But switching the mobile phones off may not be the solution to the growing social problem, according to Louise Bruchez, of Cash Generator.

She said: "Its clear that smartphone addiction in particular is becoming an issue for some people but as some experts advise, switching off altogether can actually be more stressful.

A lot of people keep their phone on so family members or work colleagues can contact them in case of an emergency and that brings peace of mind.

She added: I think we have to accept that mobile phones are now an integral and incredibly useful part of our lives and switching off altogether can actually create more problems than it solves.

Look at the infographic on the Cash Generator website and take the test. That way you can identify bad habits and anti-social behaviour and make a concerted effort to cut them out rather than cutting contact altogether.

Cash Generator, which buys and sells mobile phones along with a host of new and pre-owned products, says that 83% of the population now has a mobile phone.

The most common activity is text messaging and taking and sending photographs, although 44% use their phone for accessing the internet, 38% for checking email and 23% for social networking.

When asked what they would sacrifice rather than give up their phone for a week, 73% of people said they would rather give up alcohol, 63% would stop eating chocolate and a third said they would stop having sex.

*Publications are free to reproduce the infographic for their readers (please credit Cash Generator). We can send it to you in page ready format.


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