Friday 25 November 2011

24 Hours, 24 Likes for LocalHood Marketing

Brampton, Ontario, Canada (PRWEB) October 06, 2011

LocalHood Marketing, announced that it was pleased to attract 24 likes of its new Facebook fan page in less than just 24 hours of the pages set up. As a reward to those who like the page, LocalHood Marketing is giving away a free downloadable guide to understanding specific social networks for local businesses.

The guide is 30 pages of content and it highlights what it claims are the "big three" social networks that all marketers should focus on when they develop a social networking strategy. It also features a simple, step by step work sheet to help an entrepreneur map out their social networking strategy.

To claim the guide, a visitor to the LocalHood Marketing fan page just needs to click the "like" button on the page while they're logged in to their Facebook account. The guide is an informational resource that takes a high level view of the social networking space and it lacks any type of product sales message.

Facebook's Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg has been quoted as saying "I think every small business should be using Facebook. We're not going to stop until all of them are using it to grow their business." Sandberg is the former vice president of global online sales and operations at Google and is credited with playing a key role in helping Google build its market dominant search-advertising business.

LocalHood Marketing manager, Wilf Barnes agrees with Sandberg's comments that every small business should be using Facebook. "Social networking is an integral component of establishing a web presence for any business or organization and Facebook is the 800 pound gorilla in the social networking room. A fan page can work especially well for local, small businesses..." says Barnes if done right.

A page needs engagement and interaction to really come alive and most pages could benefit from the addition of a few simple apps that will instantly make a page more attractive and useful to visitors. According to, " app on Facebook gives you the opportunity to deeply integrate into the core Facebook experience. Your app can integrate with many aspects of, including the News Feed and Notifications."

"A lot of thriving local businesses have a fan page that only has a few likes and there is nothing really going on to make the page or the business attractive to their potential customers." Barnes' opinion is that a tiny, static number of likes on a business fan page can actually be counter productive to the business's positioning efforts. "It's all about social proof and market perception. A business's page reflects on the business whether the reflection is accurate or not" says Barnes.

Concerning the rapid number of likes that the LocalHood Marketing page has attracted, Barnes says "hey were glad that people seem to like the free download that we are giving away. We're actually hoping to meet new followers who'll post comments on our wall." A visitor to just needs to select the "Freemium" tab found on the page's left side menu for the offer to load.

About LocalHood Marketing

LocalHood Marketing manages the Canadian web presence directory which is in beta release. "LocalHood" is a LocalHood Marketing trade mark. For more information, go to Questions can be directed to (289) 752-7335 or toll free 1-888-975-9222 email: info(at)localhood(dot)ca


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